It can be hard to take the first step.

And you can do hard things.
I’ll be here to help.


Are you looking for a sign that it’s time to connect with someone for support?

The name Two Truths Counseling stems from the concept of dialectics: two seemingly opposing things that can both be true simultaneously. For example, you can feel both afraid to begin therapy and have courage to do it at the same time. Holding dialectics fosters a fuller and more meaningful understanding of our experiences.

The balance of more than one truth challenges us to think critically and become open to the possibility that our first interpretation of a situation isn’t always the whole picture. This can help us move forward toward a life worth living, instead of staying “stuck.”

The best part of being a therapist is getting the privilege to build a relationship with you and help you in your quest to build your life worth living. I’m looking forward to learning about your unique perspective while we work together toward your goals.